•R21- NS19991- Tracking #: GRANT1302536 (Demetrio Sierra)

•R21-E5032504 –GRANT13024637 (Demetrio Sierra)- Co-PI Dr. Godoy

•R01- NIGMS MIR-9 Regulation of beta-catenin mediated alcohol tolerance and EtOH consumption- Cristina Velázquez

•R01- NIGMS Effects of Alcohol Molecular Tolerance on Contextual Fear extinction-Cristina Velázquez

•C06- UPR Center for Incubator and Technology Transfer (UPRCITT) 1 C06 OD028326-01 (pending) Lasalde

•Covid-19- “Understanding the cholinergic anti-inflammatory response in the context of SARS Cov-2: Uncovering a potential therapeutic strategy to counteract the cytokine storm in COVID-19” UPR-COVID19-emergency funding -Lasalde

•MIRA -R35 – R35GM134959 “Developing a Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) high-throughput crystallization screening technology (RMP@LMx) for membrane proteins”- Lasalde