Department:Type of Project InterestedPotential project titleNIEF Facilities interested:Entry creation date
NeurosciencePilot ProjectThe Role of TLT-1 in brainConfocal Microscope, Super Resolution Microscope, Image Analysis Software, Electrophysiology set-up for brain slices, Electrophysiology set-up for cells in cultureJanuary 27, 2022 at 3:44 pm
BiologíaPilot ProjectNeural correlate of behavioral neuroplasticity induced by ethanol in Drosophila melanogasterConfocal Microscope, Two-Photon Microscope, Electrophysiology set-up for brain slicesFebruary 22, 2022 at 5:32 pm
neuroscience, neuropsychologyPilot Projectneuroplasticity and neural connections in ADHDImage Analysis Software, Electrophysiology set-up for brain slicesOctober 25, 2022 at 2:06 am
Biochemistry & PharmacologyCollaborative SEED ProjectGenetic regulation in drug resistance induced by synthetic lysophospholipids in microglial cellsConfocal MicroscopeMarch 14, 2023 at 7:03 am
Computer Science & Engineering (also taking all neuroscience courses I can as electives)Collaborative SEED ProjectPrimarily: Synthesis of Biological Active Amino Derivatives and Multi-target Drugs for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and -Xylazine effects on morphine-induced prefrontal cortex neuroplasticity; but all projects seem super interestingConfocal Microscope, Two-Photon Microscope, Super Resolution Microscope, Image Analysis Software, Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp: to be used for experiments in oocytes, Electrophysiology set-up for brain slices, Electrophysiology set-up for cells in culture, Electrophysiology set-up for anesthesized animalsSeptember 1, 2023 at 10:59 pm