Research Capacity Building

“Establishment of a multi-user high-performance MALDI ToF/ToF mass at the Molecular Science Research Center”     TheMALDI-7090 mass spectrometer will be used to measure the levels of neuropeptides across the chronology of infection, from its  initial stage of  penetration by S mansoni miracidia to the stage of shedding cercariae after approximately 25-30 days. The goal…

Grants awarded-

•INBRE-COBRE Supplement 2020 – Amaya Miquelajauregui •R21- NINDS “ Molecular Mechanisms underlying the choise between homeostasis and activity-dependent plasticity at the synapse” Bruno Marie •R01- NHLBI 2R01HL090933-06, Translation Studies of the Planet Specific Receptor Trem Like Transcript (TLT)- Dr. Valance Washington (NIEF User) •R21- NHBLI 1R21HL140268, Clinical analysis of Trem-Like Transcript-1 in large cohorts of…

Grants submitted (pending)

•R21- NS19991- Tracking #: GRANT1302536 (Demetrio Sierra) •R21-E5032504 –GRANT13024637 (Demetrio Sierra)- Co-PI Dr. Godoy •R01- NIGMS MIR-9 Regulation of beta-catenin mediated alcohol tolerance and EtOH consumption- Cristina Velázquez •R01- NIGMS Effects of Alcohol Molecular Tolerance on Contextual Fear extinction-Cristina Velázquez •C06- UPR Center for Incubator and Technology Transfer (UPRCITT) 1 C06 OD028326-01 (pending) Lasalde •Covid-19-…